domingo, 24 de julio de 2016




1.-Listen and choose the correct picture open in another window for listening








2.-Put these words in the correct order to form sentences;
1. get/I/at/7/up/o'clock 
2. I/a/at/shower/have/o'clock/8
3. breakfast/at/he/has/half/past/8 
4. goes/school/to/she/at/o'clock/9 
5. has/she/lunch/at/o'clock/12
6. past/half/3/home/I/go/at 
7. dinner/have/I/o'clock/5/at 
8. bed/I/to/at/go/o'clock/9 

1. Choose the right option to describe Annie's Daily Routine:
            Annie  at   on week days. She    and then she goes to the
bathroom and   and   . At  , she  

 and after that she   . At   , she   

and then  . In the afternoon, Annie plays with friends. At 5 o'clock she
  . After that, Annie   and then she   with her family. After, Annie and her
brother   TV and at   she   . That's Annie's daily
routine. Can you tell    about yours?

4.- Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button and answer the questions. 

PLAY AUDIO and open in another windows.

1. What time does the man get up?
A. at 5:00 a.m.
B. at 6:00 a.m.
C. at 7:00 a.m.
2. What time does he get to work?
A. at 7:00 a.m.
B. at 8:00 a.m.
C. at 9:00 a.m.
3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?
A. They read books together.
B. They play games.
C. They eat dinner.
4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed?
A. They watch TV.
B. They clean the house.
C. They listen to music.
5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife?
A. She has to take their children to school.
B. She helps the kids with their homework.
C. She goes shopping for food.

5.- Unsramble the following sentences about Ricardo's routine. Type the sentence in the space given.
1.   wakes/ He / early / up.

2.   takes / shower./ a / He 

3.   combs / He / hair / his. 
4.   puts/on./clothes/his/He 
5.   He/breakfast./has 
6.   brushes/teeth./He/his 
7.   goes/to/bathroom./the/He 
8.   wipes/after/the/using/bathroom./He 
9.   washes/his/He/hands. 
10. goes/He/school./to 
11. studies/He/English. 
12. leaves/He/school. 
13. does/homework./He 
14. He/with/play/friends./his 
15. has/He/dinner./ 
16. goes/bed./He/to 

6.- Put in have got or has got into the gaps.
  1.  a nice room.
  2. She  a cat.
  3. Jack  a pet.
  4. The sisters  great teachers.
  5. He  an old bike.
  6. They  a goldfish.
  7. Emma  lots of friends.
  8. We  a problem.
  9. Joe and Philip  a sister.
  10. 7.-have got: affirmative, negative, and questions
  11. .
    1._____ Maths on Wednesday.
    They've got
    She got
    2.I _____ got ICT on Tuesday.
    3.What lessons _____ today?
    Millie has got
    has Millie got
    4.When _____ PE?
    have we got
    got we
    5.He _____ got lessons on Saturday.
    6._____ Biology this term.
    They has got
    She hasn't got


8.- Instructions:  have got: affirmative, negative, and questions
 3. Look and answer.












Has Tom got a skateboard?

Has Sarah got a teddy bear?

Have Tom and Sarah got a computer?

Has Tom got a bike?

Has Sarah got a ball?

Have Tom and Sarah got a bike?

Has Tom got a doll?


Has Sarah got a dog?

Have Tom and Sarah got a cat?

Has Tom got a cat?


Has Sarah got a computer?

Have Tom and Sarah got a dog?

My name's Julia, and I am 27 years old. I live in London but I’m German. I live with my boyfriend and we are very happy. I work in a bank and I love my job.

From Monday to Friday, my day starts very early. I always get up at 6:30 and I have a 20-minute shower. Then, I get dressed and comb my hair. At 07:00 a.m I have breakfast,  I usually have coffee and cereal. After that, I put on my make up and go to work.

At 10:00 a.m., I sometimes have a snack and at 12:00 I usually have lunch at the office with my colleagues. They are wonderful people who have a good sense of humor, and they are good friends too. At 3:30 I have a snack again, I usually have some tea and biscuits. 

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I go to the gym after work.  When I get home, I have a shower again, I prepare dinner and I watch TV for a while. I like to go to bed as soon as possible, around 9:30.

Thursday is different because I don't go to the gym. I go out with my boyfriend every Thursday. We sometimes go to the cinema or we go out for dinner and to have a drink. 

My boyfriend's name is Daniel, he is 31 years old, and he's an architect. He likes cooking but he doesn't like cleaning the house so we share the housework. 

His family is from Spain. He has two brothers and no sisters. We have been a couple for six years. And we have been living together for two years. 

On Friday night I always go out with my friends, we sometimes go to a bar and sometimes we meet at a friend’s house but I can't be home late because I have to get up early on Saturday to clean the house.
At the weekend, I always visit my parents and I often visit my grandparents, too.

1. Read the sentences and tick True or False:
Julia is English.                                                                                True       False
Julia gets up at 6:30 on Tuesdays.                                                 True      False  
In the morning, Julia puts on her make up and after that, she has breakfast 
                                                                                                            True   False  
She usually has some tea at 12:00.                                                True     False  
She goes out with her boyfriend on Thursday night.                  True     False  
 Julia and Daniel have been together for five years.                   True     False  
Julia goes home very late on Friday.                                           True     False   
2. Answer the questions about the text (Remember to use LONG ANSWERS):
  • What does she usually have for breakfast?  
  • Where does she have lunch? 
  • Who does she have lunch with? 
  • What days does she go to the gym? 
  • When does she go out with her friends? 
  • Who does she often visit at the weekend? 

This / That / These / Those

Language note 
We use This / These for things near us.     >>     This is my camera and these are my gloves.
We use That / Those for things far away from us.     >>     That is my scarf and those are my jeans.

Exercise 1  Match the sentences to the correct pictures.

 1. Those are watches                 a.                
 2. These are my new CDs.      b.  
 3. That is Alan's house.        c.     
   4. This is Jame's new mp3 player.         d.   
  5. Those are beautiful flowers.             e.        
  6. That is a beautiful flower.          f. 
 7. These are mobile phones.          g.          

Exercise 2  Put the words into the correct order.

1. are / new / jeans / those / my / .                     

2. that / digital camera / is / Peter's / .                 
3. red scarf / is / this / a / .                                 
4. my / these / books / are / .                             

Exercise 3   Choose the best answer.

1.                are rulers.
2.                          is a guitar.
3.                        is a box.
4.                      are my father's hats.
5. These  my pens.
6. Those  my shoes.
7. That  a bicycle.
8. This  my .

JigWord for English Study - Nationalities (Flash 5 Required)


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Game Data Copyright (C) 2001 by Charles Kelly
JigWord Game Copyright (C) 2001 by Frank McAree

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