domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

verb to be


PRACTICE NO.1  (Verb To Be)

Instructions: Do the next exercises and then print the screem and save the file

Write in the correct Verb to be

1.      Cindy ______ my best friend. 
 a. am        b. is        c. are
2.      Peter and Kate ______ classmates. 
a. am        b. is        c. are
3.      Johnny _______ my brother. 
 a. am        b. is        c. are
4.      You _______ a good student. 
 a. am        b. is        c. are
5.      They ______ in the classroom.  
a. am        b. is        c. are
6.      It ______ an apple.  
 a. am        b. is        c. are
7.      Felicia and I ______ sisters.   
a. am        b. is        c. are
8.      I _____ her teacher.   
a. am        b. is        c. are
9.      It _______ a book bag.  
 a. am        b. is        c. are

10.   You _______ a doctor.   
a. am        b. is        c. are

Re-arrange the sentence.

1.         I / not / a teacher. / am                       
2.         She / my mother. / is                           
3.         The boys / playful. / are                      
4.         The girl / in the room. / is           
5.         We / not / are / at home.                     
5.         My dad / smart. / is                              
6.         My mother / a housewife. / is     
7.         She / not / my sister. / is                       
8.         The teacher / angry. / is                       

9.         The dog / in the kennel. / is         

Write the Verb to be and change to short form.
1.    I    / 
2.    you   / 
3.    We    / 
4.    They    / 
5.    He  / 
6.    She   / 

7.    It    / 

Look at the pictures and answer the question

      1.  Is he a teacher?                    No, he is not._        ____
2.     Is it an elephant?       
3.     Is it a pencil?      
4.     Are they twins?     
5.     Is he in the park?   
6.     Is he a painter?      
7.     Is Ricky in the living room?  
8.     Is mom in the kitchen?        
9.     Is your dad a postman?     
10.   Are the books on desk?     
11.   Are you Mrs. Perkins?    

12.   Is the broom behind the door?  

C. Read the following text and choose the alternative that best answers each option

Cris   my teacher. José  happy. Andrés  15 years old. Lorena and Roy  classmates. Nicole  in ninth grade. Yoseline  from Costa Rica. His sons    good students.  Francini and her friends  my students. My father  a Math teacher. Katherin  crazy. My car  black. My house  new. My dogs  little puppies. My town  important. I  handsome. My hair  short. My bed  expensive. They  married. He and she  family. My principal  young. Viviana and his daughter  angry. My uncle  a mechanic. I  young. Yeison  sick. Michael  smart. Vilma  old. We  soccer players. You  special. My brother  older than me. Lorely and Raquel  late. Luis  my neighbor. My diccionary  heavy. My laptop  new. My favorite color  red. Messi  the best soccer player. We  early. The exam  easy. English  important. Japan  a wonderful country. The river  almost dry. They  twins. Shakira beautiful. Romario  old. My job  very stressful. Costa Rica  beautiful. My pencil  green. Science  difficult. It  necessary. It  a pleasure to meet you.  I   a good teacher . Summer  coming.  Christmas  on December. Cats  intelligent. Rosa  bored. News programs  at night. Lunch  delicious. My school  near. José  and she  together. It  expensive. My laptops cheap. My hat  from Alajuea. San José  our capital. Puntarenas and Limón provinces. People  honest. Sarapiquí  a river. Heredia  near.

 Read and complete the sentences.
My name is Linda. I'm seven. I like swimming. I don't like playing football. My sister's name is Lucy. She is ten. She likes running. She doesn't like dancing. My brother's name is Mike. He is eleven. He likes playing football. He doesn't like going to the sport centre.

Me                             My sister                        My brother
Name:                      Name:                          Name: 
Age (number):                 Age:                                Age: 
I like:                   She likes:                He likes: 
I don't like:  She doesn't like:    He doesn't like:

Match the sentences with the pictures:

      I like watching TV.                I like skateboarding.
      I like running.                       I like playing football.   
    I like dancing.                          I like playing computer games.
    I like swimming.                               I like playing basketball.

Complete the sentences - choose the correct word.
  1. Paul  playing tennis.
  2.  coming home.
  3. My mum  playing football.
  4.  running.
  5. My parents  swimming.
  6. Simon  watching TV.
  7. My brothers  playing basketball.
  8.  playing computer games.
  9. My sister  dancing.
  10. My dad  going to the sport centre.

Rewrite these words:

pnlaiyg ftloolba 
wchignat VT 

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