domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

The family / possessive adjectives



1.-Look at the family tree and complete the next exercises using the correct vocabulary

Task 1 – Fill in the sentences with the correct words.
I am Daisy.

1)   Jason is my  
2)  Mark is my   
3)  Sophie is my  
4)  Julia is my   
5)  Graham is my   
6)  Sylvie is my   
7)  Cindy is my   
8)  David is my  
9)  Ethel is my   
Bobby is my  

Task 2 – Fill in the sentences with the correct words.
I am Maggie.

1)   Jason is my   
2)  David is my   
3)  Sophie is my   
4)  Julia is my   
5)  Ethel is my   
6)  Sylvie is my   
7)  James is my   
8)  Graham is my   
9)  Peter is my  
Task 3 – Fill in the sentences with the correct words.
I am Oliver.

1)   Anne is my   
2)  David is my   
3)  Sarah is my   
4)  Daisy is my   
5)  Cindy is my   
6)  Bobby is my  
7)  Mark is my  
8)  Graham is my   
Sylvie is my   

Task 4 – Fill in the sentences with the correct words.
I am Mark.

1)   Sarah is my   
2)  Bobby is my  
3)  Graham is my  
4)  Sylvie is my   
5)  Anne is my  
6)  David is my   
7)  Oliver is my   
8)  Daisy is my   

Cindy is my   

Have got / has got

2.- Look at the pictures and make sentences with have got, has got , haven’t got or hasn’t got.


3. Now use the same sentences using AND or BUT

1.    and   
2.       but  
3.   and  
4.     but 
5.    but  
6. and  
1.     I  but I 
2.     I but I 
3.     I but I  
4.     I  but I  
5.     I but I  
1.     Bob  but he 
2.     Bob but  he 
3.     Bob  but  he  
4.     Bob  but  he 
5.     Bob but  he   
1.     She  but she  
2.     She   but she  
3.     She  but she  
4.     She  but she 
5.     She  but she  
Pam and Sue
1.     Pam and Sue  but they  
2.     Pam and Sue  but they 
3.     Pam and Sue  but they  
4.     Pam and Sue  but they  
Pam and Sue           but they 

4. Write my,your, his, her, its, our or their.
a) Marion and Helen are students.  school is big.
b) I’m a taxi driver. This is taxi.
c) You’re a musician. Is that piano?
d) The horse is brown.  tail is black.
e) He’s a doctor. This is coat.
f) We are tennis players. These are  tennis racquets.
g) Pam is a photographer. This is. camera.
h) That is Jim and Mike.  father is Welsh.
5. Choose A or B.

a) These  
a)he’s  b) his
b) Is Anne’s skirt long? Yes, ......... skirt is long.    
a) her   b) its

c) This isn’t my dress. Is it........... dress?     
a) you   b) your
d) That’  
a) I   b) my

e) Is this the woman’s scarf? Yes, it is ............ scarf.  
  a) their   b) her
f) The cat is fat. ........ tail is long. 
a) his    b) its
6. Look and write as in the example.
   Favourite   Pet
A)    His name is Tom. His favourite pet is a cat
E ) 

  7. Fill in with the correct possessive adjective.

a) I’ve got a ruler.  It’s my ruler.
b) You’ve got a car. It is  car.

c) John’s got a CD. It’s.  CD.
d) We’ve got a pet. It’s.  pet.
e) Pam’s got a pen. It’s.  pen.

f)  I’ve got crayons. They’re  crayons.

g) They’ve got a house. It’s   . house.
h) She’s got a glue. It’s  glue.
i) Tom and I have got new friends.

They are.  friends.
j) Maria’s got a desk. It’s   desk
k) My parents have got new jobs.
8.-Read and do the exercise.
My name is Dennis and this is my family tree.  My father's name is Steve.  He is an architect and he lives in Texas with my mother Mary.  My mom is a very talented artist.  She paints beautiful pictures.  I have one brother named Albert.  He's a computer engineer. My wife's name is Debra.  She's a nurse at the same hospital where I work.  I work in the lab. My daughter Donna is a doctor in New York.  Donna's husband's name is Keith.  He's a restaurant manager.  They have a little girl named Becky who is three years old.
PracticeRead the article above and answer the question below. Select the correct answer.
Who works in a lab in a hospital?
Who is an artist?
Who is an architect?
Who is three years old?
Who is a restaurant manager?
Who is a doctor?
Who is a nurse?

9.-Tony's family
  Hi, I'm Tony.  I thirty two and I a big family.  We live in Birmingham in England.  I  three sisters and four brothers.  We  all in our twenties or thirties now.  My mum and dad  retired now and they like to relax in the garden and go on holidays.
My sisters  all married but they  any children at the moment.  All of my brothers  single and I think they don't want to get married or have children.  Yes, it  strange! All the women are married in my family!  I  single at the moment but want to find the right person one day....
My youngest sister's name is Angela and she  22 years old.  She  brown hair and brown eyes.  She's sometimes shy but always generous.  She's very beautiful (probably the most beautiful!) and likes swimming in the sea.  My oldest brother is called John.  He  39 and works a lot.  He  usually very tired after work and always goes to bed at 9 p.m.!
I the youngest of the brothers, and I  a job at the moment.  So I get up late and I'm never tired! But I a bike which I use every day to stay fit, and I visit my friends and family at the weekend.
  1.   Tony have a bicycle?   Yes, he .
  2.  Tony got a girlfriend?   No, he .
  3.  his sisters married?   Yes, they .
  4. How old is Tony's oldest brother?  .
  5.  Tony's youngest sister have green eyes?  . (Yes/No)
  6.  Tony got a job?  .  (Yes/No)
  7.  does his family live?   In Birmingham.
  8.  Angela attractive or ugly?  She's very attractive!
  9.  Tony have a pet?  I don't know, he doesn't say.
  10.  he usually tired?  No.


to listen press HERE 

Match the person with the correct description and write a–d next to the numbers 1–4.

1. a. She’s got straight, ginger hair

2. b. He’s older and he’s wearing glasses
3.           c. She’s got black, curly hair.
4.  d. He’s got short, brown hair

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice Do this exercise while you listen. 
Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s boyfriend / brother / friend . 

2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin sister .  
3. Hannah has one brother / two brothers / a brother and a sister .

4. Alex and Jem look different / look the same / have the same hair but different eyes 


2. Check your understanding: gap fill Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the correct word.

 1. That? Er, that’s my     , Jem. 
2. And that’s his girlfriend, Lucy. The  girl with the      ,      hair. 
3. Alex and Jem are     . They’re both      ?.
 4. They’re exactly the same! They’re both  and      .
 5. They’ve both got , hair,  eyes and  ears! 
6. They’re not big. I think they’re _________________________!
 7. And, has Alex got a      ?

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