martes, 2 de agosto de 2016


                                              ABILITIES USING CAN
Practice 4

1.-A. What can they do? Click on the correct option:

A.                 2.   
 3    4 

B. Type the right words

4. They can  very well! 
5. It can  like a professional!
6. The boy  can  a horse.
7. He can  very well!
8. This monkey can   high! 

C  Look at the pictures and click can or can't.

1. He  swim.
2. It  dance very well. 
3. They  run very fast. 
4. It  jump very high. 
5. They  ice-skate very well!

D.Type the sentences in the correct order. 
A: you  dance?   Can            e.g.: Can you dance?
B: I  can!  Yes,                      !
A: high? Can jump she         ?
B: No, can't. she                 .
A: ride a Can they horse?    ?
B: can. Yes, they                  .
A: swim Can fast? he             ?
B: can't!  No, he                     !

2.-Fill in can or can't (cannot) into the gaps.

+ indicates an affirmative sentence, - indicates a negative sentence.
Hide example


Ben   skate. (+/can)


Ben can skate.

  1. 3.- Wirte the correct form of the verb CAN
  2.  swim. (+/can)
  3. You  draw. (-/can)
  4. He  cook. (+/can)
  5. She  walk. (-/can)
  6. It  jump. (+/can)
  7. We  ski. (-/can)
  8. You  read. (+/can)
  9. They  count. (-/can)
  10. Doris  sail. (+/can)
  11. Walter and Laura  sing. (-/can)
4.- Play the audio HERE
Open it in another window.

modal verb: can
Directions: Complete each sentence or question with the modal verb, "can." Some of these verbs are negative.

1. Where  , , to get some gas?
2. She ,  , through the windshield.
3. They , , their gloves.
4. How far  ,you  ,this?
5. You , , until 5:00.
6. How  , ,  , you now.
7. The doctor   you now.
8. The kids  ,  , through that door.
9. There ,only , one answer.
10. No , ,. *

5.-Countries & nationalities

Fill in the blanks...

1. I live in France, I'm 
2. I live in . I'm English
3. I live in America. I'm 
4. I live in . I'm Irish
5. I live in Italy. I'm 
6. I live in . I'm Spanish.
7. I live in Germany. I'm 
8. I live in . I'm Japanese
9. I live in Scotland. I'm 
10. I live in Great Britain, I'm  

6.-Match the phrasal verbs on the right with the definitions on the left.


7.-Country - Nationality - Language

Click the answer button tosee the answer.

  1. He's from Brazil. He's ___.
    a. Brazilish
    b. Brazilian
    c. Brazilese
  2. I'm from Colombia. I can speak ___.
    a. Spanish
    b. Colombian
    c. Colombish
  3. She's from Russia. She can speak ___.
    a. Russia
    b. Russy
    c. Russian
  4. We're from Italy. We're ___.
    a. Italien
    b. Italian
    c. Italiun
  5. My friend is from Korea. He can speak ___.
    a. Korish
    b. Korean
    c. Koreanese
  6. Pablo is from Mexico. He's ___.
    a. Spanish
    b. Mexican
    c. Mexian
  7. Martha is from the United States. She's ___.
    a. American
    b. United Statian
    c. United Statianese
  8. My father is from China. He can speak ___.
    a. Chiny
    b. Chinish
    c. Chinese
  9. Gloria is from Puerto Rico. She's ___.
    a. Puerto Rich
    b. Puerto Rican
    c. Puerto Riquean
  10. Pierre is from France. He can speak ___.
    a. Franchise
    b. Francese
    c. French


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