jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016


Present continuous - exercises

1.- Choose the best option.


2.-Exercise: Put the verb in brackets in the correct form to make different form of the Present Continuous Tense.
  1. John  (read) a book now.
  2. What  (you do) tonight?
  3. Jack and Peter  (work) late today.
  4. Silvia  (not listen) to music.
  5. Maria  (sit) next to Paul.
  6. How many other students  (you study) with?
  7. The phone  (not ring).

3.- Put in the correct order the next setences.

Exercise on affirmative sentences

4.-Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.
  1. I / to read a book - 
  2. it / to rain - 
  3. he / to repair his bike - 
  4. they / to watch a film - 
  5. the cat /to sleep on the chair - 
  6. Jane and Emily / to do their homework - 
  7. Bill / to wait at the bus stop - 
  8. we / to listen to the radio - 
  9. the children / to play a game - 
  10. Laura / to walk the dog - 

The present continuous

5.-  Check your grammar: true or false – present continuous Are these sentences

 1. We use the present continuous for permanent states or situations.
  True    False
 2. We use the present continuous for temporary situations. 
  True    False

 3. We often use the present continuous for things happening right now. 
  True    False 

4. We can use the present continuous for future arrangements. 
  True    False

5. We can use the present continuous with all verbs. 
  True    False

 6. Some verbs – for talking about emotions, thinking, the senses, etc. – cannot be used in the continuous form. 
  True    False

 7. Sometimes the spelling of the infinitive form changes when we add -ing. 
  True    False

Sophie is working in Cairo this week. Oliver, Alfie and Daisy are working hard for their end-of-year exams.

6. Check your grammar: gap fill – present continuous Write the words to fill the gaps. Put the verb in the present continuous tense.

 1. I’m really busy – I(study) for the exam.
2. Right now we (ride) camels!
3. They said they(have) a great time.
 4. Daisy(download) an album.
5. What (you do) at the moment?
 6. They(wait) for me in the café.
 7. (Oliver work) hard?
 8. The weather’s terrible, so we(not go) walking much.

7.-Reading comprehension text with present continuous 

It is the afternoon and the family is at home.

Anna´s mother and father are in the dining room,  writing letters. Her uncle and aunt are in the sittingroom: Ben´s reading a book and Rita´s watching  TV. Katherine´s in the garden playing football with Margaret´s brothers.
An´s brother and sister are playing with their trains in the attic. William´s in the kitchen. he´s making coffee with two of his cousins. Anna´s in her bedroom,reading a comic.

Answer these questions:

1)What´s Ben doing? 
2) Where´s Rita? 
3)What´s Katherine doing? 
4) Where is she? 
5) Where´s William?  
6) What´s he doing? 

Read the following text carefully.

It’s a rainy Saturday. It’s raining a lot and Mary and her family are spending the afternoon at
home. Her uncles are visiting them. 

Mary and her father are in the living room. Mary is making a draw and her father,
 Mr.Harris, is surfing the net. They are also talking.

Mary’s older brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer  fanatic and he spends much time playing on the computer. His little brother, Jim is also in the living room. He is playing with his dinosaurs’ collection. Sometimes he teases Mary, he is a really naughty boy.

Mary’s mother, Mrs. Harris, is in the kitchen preparing a snack for a ll of them. She is making some tea and talking to Mary’s uncles – Lucy and Tom. They are from the nearest town and stopped by to say hello.

Fluffy, the family cat, is sleeping on the kitchen’s sofa. We can’t see him in the picture, but
he is a true fluffy cat.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. What day of the week is it?  
2.Where is Mary? 
3. What is she doing? 
4. What is Mr. Harris doing?  
5. Is Mrs. Harris preparing a snack in the kitchen?   
6. What is Fluffy, the cat, doing? 

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