miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

so neither either

1.-Complete the next sentences using So / Neither / either / too
1. You are late for school.  I.
2. You don't like red skirts.  Jane.
3. My children go to St Johana's School.  yours
4. Paul should behave more carefully.  Kathrin.
5. Guy speaks English very well.  Veronique.
5. I am a teacher.  you.
6. Vivian can never get rich. Paul.
7. I am not expecting any prize.  you.
8. Mary goes by train at 3 pm.  I.
9. Camin is a computer scientist.  you.

1. I really miss Kate.
 do I.

2. We reunite with my high school friends once a year.

We do .

3. I don’t want to lose my job.

 do I.

4. My cousins went to the movie theater yesterday.

 did my uncle.

5. I couldn’t talk to the director yesterday.

My colleague couldn’t .

6. I got an 'A' in English class.
Me .

6. I am not going to work tomorrow.
 am I.

7. Your sister can't help you with your homework.
I can't .

8. My father is so proud of you,  is my mother.

8 We won't cancel our plans for you.
 will they.

9. Everybody is leaving in 10 minutes.
 am I.

10. You are late.
 are you.

11. They wouldn't understand me,  would you.

3.- Now answer the questions with expressions with so or neither or a short answer according to what is true for you.
I'm tired.
You could answer with "So am I." if you are tired or with "I'm not." if you're not tired.

1) I'm Mexican.  
2) I'll go to work tomorrow.  
3) I don't like coffee.  

4) I'm not sick today.  
5) I speak Spanish.  

4.-Agreement: So + auxiliary verb + subject (with positive sentences)
                     e.g. I am a student. So, am I.
                  Neither + auxiliary verb + subject (with negative sentences)
                                e.g. I am not a doctor. Neither, am I.
Complete the following with the correct form of agreement.
  1. I like milk. .
  2. I can't drive a bus. .
  3. I am a good student. .
  4. I ate pizza yesterday. .
  5. I have got a lot of friends. .
  6. I didn't go to the zoo last month. .
  7. I don't like oranges. .
  8. I have forgotten to call Peter. .
  9. I haven't spoken to John yet. .  
  10. I will paint the house. .
Complete the following with the correct form of agreement using the words given.
e.g. I like pizza. (Jane) —> So, does Jane.
  1. I can play tennis. (Jerry) .
  2. I love chocolate. (my brother) .
  3. I am tall. (my friends).
  4. I haven't done my homework. (Sue) .
  5. I don't like loud music. (my neighbour) .
  6. I wrote a letter. (Teddy) .
  7. I have tidied my bedroom. (Peter) .
  8. Mary and Tom are good students. (Susan) .
  9. Mat and George haven't arrived yet. (Kate) .
  10. We can't speak Italian. (our friends) .
  11. My aunt read a book. (my uncle) .
  12. I don't have a computer. (Betty)  .
  13. Tim rode his bike yesterday. (Jim) .
  14. My father didn't wash the car. (my mother) .
  15. Sophie is very clever. (her children) .
5.-Look at the following sentences.  Choose the correct response from the dropdown box.

1.  I am going home now.  

2.  I can't go out tonight.  

3.  They don't like skiing.  

4.  Actually, we've never been to Sydney.  

5.  They aren't leaving until Sunday. 

6.  Sarah doesn't want to go to church on Sunday. 

7.  I really want to see a movie this weekend!  

8.  My husband can speak three languages. 

9.  Oh no!  It's raining and I don't have my umbrella with me. 

10.  I'm really cold right now. 

11.  This computer's not working. 

12.  Cathy says she doesn't feel very well.  

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