viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

Comparatives and superlatives


Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given.
1.  A rock is  than a leaf. (heavy)
2. Our house is than yours. (big)
3. The princess is than the witch. (beautiful)
4. Tom is a student than Mary. (good)
5. Bicycles are than motorbikes. (safe)
6. July is than January. (hot)
7. A lion is than a cat. (dangerous)
8. Helen is than Mary. (happy)
9. Computers are than telephones. (expensive)
10. I think golf is than football. (boring)


1. We have an  brother who lives in Miami.
2. Her illness is  than what the doctors expected.
3. I like warm weather. If the weather is , I feel ill.
4. This dress is  than that.
5. He is  than Arthur.
6. This road is  than the motorway.
7. Was the TV programme  than the film?


1. She was a very intelligent student. She was  girl in her class.
2. It´s a very old castle. Experts argued it is  in Britain.
3. I´m going to sleep on the sofa. The floor is  (uncomfortable) than it.
4. This new job is  (important) for me than the last I had.
5. Living in the countryside is  (healthy) than leaving in town.
6. These instructions were  (difficult) ones  I have ever read.
Complete the sentences using the superiority comparative form of the adjectives in brackets:

1. Cindy's hat is  (dark) than mine.

2. Snakes are  (dangerous) than rats.

3. My old trousers are  (long) than those black ones.

4. Mark is  (clever) than his brother.

5. German is  (difficult) than English.

6. I am  (strong) than my friend.

7. The teacher is  (tall) than me.

8. My friend's eyes are  (big) than mine.

9. He sings  (good) than Betty.

10. Lucy's hair is  (curly) than yours.

Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given.
1. It is the shop in town. (large)
2. Monday is the day of the week. (bad)
3. Ben was the person in his family. (noisy)
4. Sam is the in the class. (popular)
5. Which is the subject at school? (difficult)
6. Jim is the player in the football team. (good)
7. Elephants are the animals. (heavy)
8. Let's pick the apple of the tree. (big)
9. Mary is the girl in the class. (thin)
10. That is the sofa in our house. (comfortable)


1. She was a very intelligent student. She was  girl in her class.
2. It´s a very old castle. Experts argued it is  in Britain.
3. I´m going to sleep on the sofa. The floor is  (uncomfortable) than it.
4. This new job is  (important) for me than the last I had.
5. Living in the countryside is  (healthy) than leaving in town.
6. These instructions were  (difficult) ones  I have ever read.

Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given.
1. This armchair is than the old one. (comfortable)
2. Trains are than aeroplanes. (slow)
3. I bought the souvenir I could afford. (expensive)
4. In this classroom there are girls than boys. (many)
5. Ann is the child in the family. (young)
6. That TV set is the  of all. (cheap)
7. You are here than there. (safe)
8. Fifi is than Kate. (pretty)
9. This is the film i have ever seen. (exciting)
10. Tim is  than Peter. (talented)

Watch the video and then do the exercise which is provided

Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 

1. The more amazing thing just happened to me!
2. He’s a lot taller you.
 3. She’s worst than me at maths.
 4. He’s best in the team at goal scoring.
5. This pizza isn’t as good Alfie’s.  
6. It’s frighteninger if you look down.
7. Where’s the most cheap place to eat?
 8. I’ve been eating a lot, I think I’m fater.

Choose the correct option

Sharks are the ____ sea creatures.             Parrots are ____ than pigeons.
     more dangerous                                                    more colourful
    most dangerous                                                     most colourful

The giraffe is the _____ animal on Earth.       Halloween stories are the ___ ones!
taller                                                                             better             
tallest                                                                            best

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